Stop talking tech. I want to play your game!


I’m very excited to be invited back to Games Business in Aalborg next month. I’m speaking on day two of the conference; focusing on breaking through the noise, how to get your game on your users’ radar. I’ll be joined on the day by brilliant folks including Ville Heijari, Niels Jørgensen, Sam Dalsimer and Anders Leicht Rohde.

Here is what I’ll be talking about in more detail:

Startups and games developers are often so focused on the technology; the code, the newest platform, the shiny stuff, they overlook the user at the end. It’s a constant battle to be noticed. So why kill off your chances by having the wrong conversations with the wrong people at the wrong time.

“Features are what you ask your designers and coders to build. Benefits are what you hook customers with”

I’ll be talking about the benefits. That hook. Finding smart strategies to engage your users from day one. Building a rabid fan base you own. An investment that will pay dividends over the lifetime of your business

Full schedule of the conference is here and you can buy your tickets here. Follow along on Twitter with #dkgame and #gbiz13.

If you have some good examples to share, let me know. How did you break through the noise and get noticed?

Image (cc)thanks to d0gwalker